Seasons are changing.   As we move from summer to fall I am reminded of this more than ever.  The leaves have started to turn color, the days and nights are cooler.  I am witness to the birds eating at the feeder preparing for their journey south.  The instinct of all life is amazing.  From the birds at our feeder to the bees in our yard there is a sense of urgency to prepare for winter.

I think that this is a metaphor in a sense of our lives.

This past summer I went golfing to Ireland with my older brother.  H commented often that he is on the back 9 of life.  actually if I remember right he said the back 6 of life!  It was meant to be funny, however there is a message there.

I am a baby boomer and like it or not winter is coming.  The back 9 of life, or whatever you would like to call it.  Yet it can be the best part of our lives.  For many retirement is around the corner with promise to travel, spending time with grand children, garden, pursue new hobbies, and do whatever our hearts desire.

There is one major roadblock to this new season in our lives.  Our health.

What we have been doing up until now and in future will  determine our opportunity for an exciting 2nd half of our lives.  It is never too late to make sound changes in our health choices.

Too many people today are drugged up on pharmaceuticals to address health conditions.  It reminds me of the story of my Dad.  He told me that one day he was having trouble sleeping so he went to the doctor.  He was prescribed something for this and filled the prescription.  The doctor told him to come back in a few weeks so he did.  The doctor asked how he was sleeping and Dad said better but that he was feeling depressed.  So another prescription was filled.  Another few weeks went by and Dad went back to the doctor.  When asked how he was doing my Dad said he was sleeping fine and his depression seemed better but that he was constipated.  Yep…you guessed it!   Another prescription written.   As my Dad stood by the elevator to leave he came to the realization he could live with restless sleep and got off the meds.  The domino effect of taking prescription drugs can be just like my Dad”s story.

If you are on the right track for your health then congratulations!  If there is room to do better then today can be the start of this change.  It is not an all or nothing approach but rather steps to making choices…good healthy choices.

Go for a walk everyday, reduce you sugar intake, eliminate trans fats, drink more water, supplement, etc.  Pick one and start with that.  Make a conscious decision to improve one habit towards better health and you will be amazed at how you will start to incorporate more and more as you go along.

The back 9 of life will be amazing for many of us baby boomers.  With our health it will be amazing journey!


