What is Leaky Gut and why should you care?

Leaky Gut Syndrome happens when the intestinal lining becomes porous and allows food particles to enter the blood stream.  The microvila are becoming damaged and not producing enough enzymes to break food down properly.The intestinal walls are becoming more and more porous therefore allowing more and more opportunity for food particles to escape into our body.  This condition is called Hyperpermeable Intestines and it is becoming one of the fastest problems in the western world because of diet and lifestyle.  Waste that normally would go through and out our body is now slipping through into our body like undigested food particles and toxins.

When these foreign objects enter our blood stream the reaction is to attack these intruders.  Our liver when functioning at a normal rate would be able to help remove these toxins and foreign objects, however it is being bombarded with so many that it can’t keep up!  These foreign objects end up staying and building up in our blood system.  Our immune system also attacks these foreign objects to get them out as quickly as possible, however it cannot keep up and the result is that the body becomes inflamed when the foreign objects are eventually absorb by our tissues.

Inflammation is now the big problem within our body.  Antibodies attempt to ward off any resemblance of these foreign objects so for example: You eat bread, buns, pasta, etc.  Some of the wheat leaks into your blood system, the more you eat wheat the more leaks in and as time goes by the antibodies start to fight every time it knows there is wheat eaten.  This is how we develop food sensitivities and allergic reactions.  Your vital organs start to become inflamed.  Your immune system is being overworked and you can in fact gain weight.  Inflammation is the one of biggest problems in our health today!

This is a significant problem in our western world!  It is estimated that 7 out of 10 people have leaky gut and that number has even thought to be 9 out of 10 people!  It often goes undiagnosed by the medical community because they have not be educated on it when going to school.

How can you tell that you have Leaky Gut Syndrome?  

The symptoms can be abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, muscle cramps and pains, food allergies, migraines, fatigue, gluten intolerance, foggy brain feeling, bouts of depression and much much more.

From a medical perspective illnesses such as Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel, Ulcerative Colitis, Eczema all have connections to leaky gut.

When you look at what the digestive system is designed to do it makes sense that this is happening.  Most of our immune system is located in the digestive system.  Over 70% in fact!

So what can you do to heal Leaky Gut Syndrome?

There are some simple yet effective ways to help heal your digestive system.

One that I have used in bone broth.  Bone broth contains collagen and amino acids that can help to heal the damage on your intestinal walls.  Some people have done a bone broth fast for 2 or 3 days to kick start the healing process.  I have not done this so cannot comment.  Another is Kefir.  This is raw cultured dairy and it contains probiotics and short chained fatty acids that are immensely beneficial to the digestive tract.  It might take getting used to but the benefits are immense.  All coconut is fabulous for healing the digestive system!  They have medium chain fatty acids which is easier to digest than other fats.  Cooked vegetables and fruit are also beneficial as it is easier on the gut to digest than raw.  Sauerkraut will help to balance the PH and is also loaded with probiotics!

You may also want to supplement because Leaky Gut Syndrome impairs the absorption of nutrients so increasing the essential nutrients through supplementation is vital.

Take an enzyme supplement to help promote better digestion  and as well a probiotic supplement.  The supplements I use are from USANA Health Sciences  because they are 100% potency guarantee https://www.usana.com/dotCom/chooseLocale  Should you wish to purchase any of those products just click on the country you are from to shop and away you go.  Always feel free to contact me as well.

One that is crucial is omega 3.  A high quality fish oil that has been certified of the purest standard will be very beneficial.  The fish oil I use is https://shop.usana.com/shop/spring/shopping/productDetail?ProductID=122.020103#.Vss19vkrJaQ

Eat grass fed beef, wild Salmon, and lamb as they are loaded with essential fats.

Don’t suffer in silence anymore from this painful problem!  Take control of your health.   Heal your gut…its important!


Yours in Health

John – One Hip Guy