What is EMF and what does EMF stand for?

EMF stands for Electromagnetic fields, which are often called EMFs.  They are invisible electrical and magnetic forces. EMFs are a type of radiation, that take the form of waves.

There are two major types of EMF’S

The earth produces an electromagnetic field (EMF), and so does the human body.  Scientific research has demonstrated that every cell in your body may have its own EMF, helping to regulate important functions and keep us healthy.  This type of EMF is called a natural electromagnetic frequency. Natural EMF’s are a low intensity frequency.

Products created by people like microwaves, hairdryers, cell phones, wifi, food processors, to high voltage wires have powerful EMF’s.  These strong EMFs have been shown to disturb the human body’s natural energetic field.

It has been shown that we are exposed to 100 million times more EMF radiation than our grandparents were and this number is increasing everyday!

The sad part is that we are not even aware of it.  Keep in mind that artificial EMF’s come from electricity.  For example in your home it comes from your  computer, cell phone, cordless phones, vacuums, refrigerator, microwave, irons, TV, dimmer switches, electric razors, electric toothbrushes, and one of the biggest offenders….WIFI!  You will find EMF’s in your office too.  From fax machines, to photocopiers to halogen and florescence lights there is no escaping it.  Go outside and see where the big power lines are like high voltage cables, overhead and buried, transformers or even electrical substations.  Now even when we are flying we are exposed one more time with wifi throughout the plane.

Fatigue, Stress and sleep disorders are now being associated to EMF exposure.  Often there are people who have developed skin disorders like rashes, and burning sensations on our body as well in our eyes along with aches and pains in our muscle and joints.

We cannot escape it!

Does it matter?

More and more science is confirming the long term dangers to the exposure of artificial EMF’s.  There is still lots of naysayers out there as well.  This is normal.  Name something that someone thinks is good and you will have a group that says the opposite.  This is where you come in.  You can do your own homework and decide for yourself if there is a concern with the exposure you may be getting.  One thing is for sure its increasing and not decreasing.

If you believe that it is important to work on limiting the EMF exposure then you may want to purchase a gauss meter.

This device will measure magnetic, electric and radio/microwave currents. trifield gauss meter

Use the gauss meter to test your appliances in the home like your coffee maker, toaster, tea kettle, and so on.  Test them when they are idle and then test them when they are being used. Surprisingly you will find that there are EMF’s being emitted by some appliances even when they are idle.  Unplug those appliances when you are not using them.

The use of cell phones is growing more and more.  Wireless devices are being used in an ever increasing way.  They are convenient, they make our life better, just be prudent on how much exposure you get everyday.  Here is an article that discusses the possibility of risk associated with cell phone RF exposure over the long haul.   http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/cell-phones-fact-sheet#q6

Children are the highest risk. They are in their developing years and any added stress like EMF exposure and over use of wireless devices may prove to be extremely harmful.  http://www.webmd.com/children/news/20140819/children-cell-phones?page=3

The best we can all do is educate ourselves and with the advent of more and more technology learning about EMF’s makes sense.

Yours in Health,


John – One Hip Guy