Get the lead out!

Get the lead out!

We have all heard that saying!   This was stated back in the day when someone was told to hurry up or “get the lead out!”

Today it has much more important meaning.  The reference is to get the heavy metals out our bodies with lead being one of them!

Heavy metal poisoning is the accumulation of heavy metals, in toxic amounts, in the soft tissues of the body. Symptoms and physical findings associated with heavy metal poisoning vary according to the metal accumulated. Many of the heavy metals, such as zinc, copper, chromium, iron and manganese, are essential to body function in very small amounts. But, if these metals accumulate in the body in concentrations sufficient to cause poisoning, then serious damage may occur. The heavy metals most commonly associated with poisoning of humans are lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. Heavy metal poisoning may occur as a result of industrial exposure, air or water pollution, foods, medicines, improperly coated food containers, or the ingestion of lead-based paints.  (WebMD)

There are  5 main heavy metals we should be aware of as it will impact our health immensely.  Arsenic, Mercury, Cadmium, lead and aluminium.

Lets talk about mercury for today’s blog.

Mercury has been linked to health risks related to dementia.  The following are just some of things you should consider with regards to the impact mercury can have on your health.

  • Avoid amalgam (silver) fillings altogether and request safer alternatives from your dentist.  Find a biologic or holistic dentist that practices mercury-free dentistry.
  • If you have “silver” fillings, get an evaluation from a mercury-free dentist who specializes in the safe removal of mercury amalgams.  Improper removal can be more dangerous than leaving your fillings in place.  Find a mercury-free dentist in your area now.
  • Choose thermometers that do not contain mercury, to avoid toxic spills as a result of breakage.
  • Avoid consuming bottom crawlers (seafood, such as oysters, clams, and lobster that may contain toxic levels of mercury).
  • Avoid deep-sea fish such as tuna, mackerel, and swordfish that contain the highest levels of mercury of all fish.  Choose safer alternatives such as wild-caught salmon or minimal-mercury tuna.

For those who have hip replacement or are in the process of needing one please be aware that the metal on metal (MOM) can cause significant issues resulting in blood poisoning.

Foods that will help to eliminate heavy metals are cilantro, parsley, foods with pectin, garlic, onions, cauliflower, eggs, brussels sprouts. and broccoli.  There are many more so do your homework.

Taking a high quality nutritional supplement is also recommended.

I take my supplements to offset what is not in my diet and to help improve the elimination of metal that may be as a result of my hip replacement.  It is critical to maintain the highest immune resistance possible.  I also include daily added fiber supplement to to improve the timeliness of elimination.

For more information on what i would recommend please feel free to email at

Have a great rest of the weekend and remember…



Your OneHipGuy


Say NO to the Status Quo

Say NO to the Status Quo

One of the most unfortunate aspects in the world we live in is that far too many people live the life of the status quo.  The day to day routine, mundane seems to be the norm.  Far too many people are working in jobs that they don’t like just to pay the bills.

The day might begin with a coffee to clear the cobwebs and end with falling asleep on the couch in front of the TV.

In essence it is to get up, go to work, come home, go to bed, repeat.

Resistance will be the biggest roadblock to breaking free from the status quo.  Resistance can take you away from your dreams and purpose.  Resistance might be that voice inside that talks you out of an idea or doing something different.  Resistance loves mediocrity, resistance loves just getting by, resistance loves procrastination.  These are the allies of resistance.  It could be a dead end job, an over taxing career, a family member, or a friend that wants you to go right back to sleep, back to the land of the status quo.

Resistance has won many a battle…it has helped many people never to achieve their dreams and goals.  Never never let resistance win!  You must push through and overcome…you will need to focus…have laserfocus!

I say NO to the status quo!

We are meant to live a life of excellence.  We are all meant to be great!  We are all meant to have lives that are extraordinary.  This doesn’t mean that we will discover a cure for cancer or that we will win an Olympic medal, although if you can do that then go for it.  What it means is that we are living our best life!  We are all meant to live to our true potential, our purpose.

There will be hurdles along the way.  Sometimes these hurdles will feel like 30 foot walls.  They are there to test you to see how badly you want it!

What gets people get stuck in the status quo is limiting beliefs.  It is imperative to identify those limiting beliefs and rewire our belief system.

What are your dreams?  Are you chasing them or are you pushing them aside?

As I embark on the second half of my life I am chasing my dreams, seeking out new ways to make a difference, to help others and to give back.  We all need to live a life that is purpose driven. Putting in time is such a waste of time.

So who is with me?  Who says NO to the status quo?

I know I do!!






Seasons are changing

Seasons are changing

Seasons are changing.   As we move from summer to fall I am reminded of this more than ever.  The leaves have started to turn color, the days and nights are cooler.  I am witness to the birds eating at the feeder preparing for their journey south.  The instinct of all life is amazing.  From the birds at our feeder to the bees in our yard there is a sense of urgency to prepare for winter.

I think that this is a metaphor in a sense of our lives.

This past summer I went golfing to Ireland with my older brother.  H commented often that he is on the back 9 of life.  actually if I remember right he said the back 6 of life!  It was meant to be funny, however there is a message there.

I am a baby boomer and like it or not winter is coming.  The back 9 of life, or whatever you would like to call it.  Yet it can be the best part of our lives.  For many retirement is around the corner with promise to travel, spending time with grand children, garden, pursue new hobbies, and do whatever our hearts desire.

There is one major roadblock to this new season in our lives.  Our health.

What we have been doing up until now and in future will  determine our opportunity for an exciting 2nd half of our lives.  It is never too late to make sound changes in our health choices.

Too many people today are drugged up on pharmaceuticals to address health conditions.  It reminds me of the story of my Dad.  He told me that one day he was having trouble sleeping so he went to the doctor.  He was prescribed something for this and filled the prescription.  The doctor told him to come back in a few weeks so he did.  The doctor asked how he was sleeping and Dad said better but that he was feeling depressed.  So another prescription was filled.  Another few weeks went by and Dad went back to the doctor.  When asked how he was doing my Dad said he was sleeping fine and his depression seemed better but that he was constipated.  Yep…you guessed it!   Another prescription written.   As my Dad stood by the elevator to leave he came to the realization he could live with restless sleep and got off the meds.  The domino effect of taking prescription drugs can be just like my Dad”s story.

If you are on the right track for your health then congratulations!  If there is room to do better then today can be the start of this change.  It is not an all or nothing approach but rather steps to making choices…good healthy choices.

Go for a walk everyday, reduce you sugar intake, eliminate trans fats, drink more water, supplement, etc.  Pick one and start with that.  Make a conscious decision to improve one habit towards better health and you will be amazed at how you will start to incorporate more and more as you go along.

The back 9 of life will be amazing for many of us baby boomers.  With our health it will be amazing journey!






Stuck in Traffic

Stuck in Traffic

Okay so this happens to everyone…

Perhaps you a daily commuter or maybe you have to go somewhere at the most inopportune time and before you know it you are stuck in traffic!

This happened to me twice this week.

I normally never get stuck in traffic because I work from home and can pick my spots but as luck would have it I had a some appointments that forced me into the world of the car maze!

First I must say I have the up-most respect for anyone who has to brave the car maze world day in and day out.  When I was in the corporate rat race I had to deal with it daily.  The reality is that its crazy how much time the average person invests on the road daily.

These average travel times do not reflect the experience of all commuters. For some, travel times are considerably longer. In Canada, 17.2% of commuters usually took 45 minutes or more to get to work. Commuters who lived in the area surrounding the Toronto CMA were the most likely to be in this group. In 2011, 29.9% of commuters in Oshawa, 28.4% of those in Toronto and 26.6% of those in Barrie spent 45 minutes or more travelling to work (Statistics Canada)

In the US it is even more crazy!

The most wearisome statistics in the Census Bureau’s latest batch of numbers are those attributed to “mega-commuters.” Do you travel more than 90 minutes and 50 miles each way to get to work every day? Our sincerest apologies; you’re a mega-commuter. According to the Bureau’s report, there are 600,000 mega-commuters in America. When you include people who travel at least an hour each way, that number jumps to 10.8 million — a little over 8% of U.S. workers. (US Census Bureau) 

My thoughts on discussing this today is the huge amount of collateral damage in pursuit of a paycheck.

If a person invests 45 minutes a day each way then that is 1.5 hours.  Multiply this by a 5 day week and you have 7.5 hours a week.  Now take this over the course of a year with 3 weeks vacation and its a whopping 367.5 hours.

What can someone do with an extra 367.5 hours a year?

Here is what it costs.

Get up in the morning and stop at a drive through for your favorite coffee and bagel.

Arrive to work frazzled and grab another coffee.

Lunch!  Grab a fast food meal and then back to work.

End of day… hop in the car and grab a red bull, or a giant slurpee for the ride home.

Dinner and no one is home because your spouse has taken the kids to their school events, sports, etc. Maybe you get to Johnny’s soccer game in time to see the game…maybe not.

Get the kids to bed.  Exhausted.  Spouse wants to debrief the day and all you can think is a glass of wine and sleep.

Relationship becomes less complete, children see you on the weekends, exercise is only an after thought, diet takes a back seat to convenience, and on and on.

All this for the chance to move up the corporate ladder and bring home a paycheck!

Hey its time for a REALITY CHECK and not just a paycheck.

What can be gained with the extra time not used for commuting?

Improved relationships with your spouse, children.  A balanced diet, an exercise program, a feeling of a life well lived instead of a life forced.

If you give too much of your time to the commuter world take a step back and evaluate.  Perhaps it is the right decision for you and your family and maybe it is not.  Chances are you will see that you have been missing out…on the things that really matter in life.

Have an amazing day where ever you are!


Your OneHipGuy







What about our Mindset?

What about our Mindset?

This is an article from my friend Bill Marr

Bill is a business man, family man and is passionate about health.  If you like what he has to say then go check him out.


Proud baby boomer? Are you kidding? Getting old sucks.

I’m slowing down. I forget things. I have a heart condition. I need a new hip. What’s to like about this aging thing?

Billions are spent on finding the cure for disease. Everything we should and shouldn’t eat has been dissected. We all know we need to exercise… the internet gives us more work-out options than we care to try.

But one of the most unexplored aspects of aging is the mind-body connection.


Perhaps the most crucial element in pursuit of a long, healthy life is mindset. How do you view the world around you? What do you believe the future holds for you? What do you get excited about in your future? What do you fear?

All these things contribute either positively or negatively to the aging process. Your attitude about the future will have a greater determination on how the rest of your years play out than anything else.

Time for a New Hip?

Say you’ve been dealing with hip pain for many years. Rehabilitation of your hip is out of the question. You have been advised by friends and your physician to undergo hip replacement. You’ve been hesitant. You’re scared. That’s natural.

You could let your fear put off the surgery. Suck it up and ride out the pain day in and day out. Limited mobility. Frustration with not being able to do what you could ten years ago. Embarrassment that your spouse has to “do the heavy lifting” around the house. But man, surgery is scary business.

Or you could put on another pair of glasses through which to view the world. Have the operation. Understand that there will be pain. Accept that surgery requires healing and recovery. You’ll need physio to regain your strength and movement.

But it will all be worth it: playing with the grandkids, evening strolls with your spouse, doing the walking tour on vacation. Oh, and doing many of the things pain-free you haven’t been able to do in years.


Regardless of your state of health today, tomorrow can be different. You can change your health. You can change the quality of your life. It all starts with a decision.

Change the channel. A new mindset and you can chart a new course for your life.

Creating a Legacy

Creating a Legacy

This past weekend my wife’s mother passed away.  Gertie lived to ripe old age of 92.  She was a remarkable woman who was not only the matriarch of her immediate family but was also for the entire clan.

As my wife Susanne went through her old pictures I was reminded of how the wheels of time keep marching on.  Susanne would show me some pictures and I would say when was that?  I would be surprised at the years that have slipped by from when some of those pictures were taken and where we are today.

Pictures are amazing ways to look into our past, our parents past and even our grandparents past.  There are even older pictures that are weathered and worn.  Many of these photos are of people who have passed on yet when I look at them I can’t help but ask…”What did they wish for?  Did they accomplish all that they aspired to be, do and have?”  Did they ever realize the legacy that they were creating?

It is gentle reminder of our lives today…are we living a life well lived?  Are we accomplishing all that we aspire to be, do and have?

Are there any dreams and goals that are on hold?  Is there someone we should talk to?  Are waiting until NEXT year to take that trip of a lifetime?

What can we do differently right now to set the course towards those dreams we have put on hold?  Who can we help right now and make a difference in their lives?

Start planning that trip, don’t wait.

Anyone who has experienced a health crisis must surely know aspiring to be, do and have in all that we are is the best we can do.  Take care of yourself.  We are only here for a short time on the earthly plain yet the time we have we can accomplish so much.  The legacy we are creating will be amazing…don’t you think?

There may be a day that someone will look through those old pictures of us.  Perhaps it will be one of our children or one of grandchildren or even our great grandchildren.  Perhaps they will look into those eyes that were frozen in time so many years ago and ask…”What did they wish for?  Did they accomplish all that they aspired to be, do and have?”

I know I want my answer to be that I did my best!  That I was in continual motion to reach my dreams and goals.  I may not have achieved and succeeded in everything but I got in the game, took some chances and took action to be, do, and have along the way.

As we say goodbye to my wife Susanne’s mom, my adopted mom, I know that she got in the game, took some chances and took action to be, do, and have along the way and as a result has left a legacy that is boundless.


How about you?


In health,


Your OneHipGuy
