What health group are you?

What health group are you?

Lets face it…having a joint replacement while still young turns people’s head.  Most are so surprised that we get the most peculiar looks and comments.

Some of my favorite comments are:

Were you overweight before?

I thought joint replacements were for old people?

Are you sure you made the right decision?

These seem to be some of the most common comments I hear from people when they find out I have a hip replacement.   I am not sure what is going through the minds of the people making these comments. Perhaps they aren’t thinking at all. Statistically it is no longer uncommon to have hip replacement.  In the US it is estimated there are almost 3 million people who have hip replacements and over 7 million who have some kind of joint replacements.  In Canada the statistics are roughly 10% of the US numbers.

The reality is most people have something going on with their health.

Degenerative disease affects 1 out of every 3 people in the US and Canada.  The most prevalent are heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and brain related illnesses.  In most cases degenerative disease is caused by our own lifestyle choices as I stated in a prior blog.  So what can we do to slow down or even eliminate degenerative disease in our life and those that we love?

Become healthy active.

We all live in one of 5 areas when it comes to health.  The first is the healthy unaware.  This is the McDonald’s fast foodie. Not much thought or education has gone into making their daily health choices from the food they eat to to how much they exercise.  The second is the somewhat aware.  This group of people have read something, watched a program and may even start to consider what they are eating, however they still really don’t take action to improve their health situation.  The third is the healthy aware.  This person is starting to realize the need to look after themselves better and are beginning to pay attention. They start to eat a little better and start to exercise. They even start to take supplements from the grocery store to fill in the missing pieces, however they still eat highly processed foods.  The forth is becoming healthy active.  This person has made it a point to know what foods to eat and what to avoid. They make decisions on their food intake based on knowing what is in it.  This person also views taking a high potency supplement as crucial in helping to fill in the missing pieces safely and effectively.  The fifth and last is the health nut.  This person has gone to the extreme in their health protocol. This requires a lot of discipline to follow and maintain on a daily basis but provides them them the state of health they are looking for. They may be a high level athlete.

Being healthy active is a blend of knowing what is good for you and your family and at the same time have some balance.  It is not what you do in your lifestyle habits 10% of the time…its what you do 90% of the time.  It takes effort to become healthy active, yet it is so worth it.  Do you know how much sugar is recommended in a daily diet?  How much are you consuming? What about your fat intake?  What kind of fats are good for you?  Bad for you?  How much exercise should you get?  What type?  Each of us are unique so our diet and exercise may be unique as well.  There is no one size fits all when it comes to our health. Take the necessary steps to know more and implement it into your daily lifestyle plan.  By doing this you will reduce the possibility of being impacted by degenerative disease.  In essence it is the famous phrase…”pay me now or pay me later”.  There is a price for good health decisions and bad health decisions. .  The price for good health decisions are becoming educated on what is good or bad, staying true to those choices MOST of the time.  Lets face it we all like to let go from time to time.  It is okay to do this.  The results will be a more vibrant you!  The price for bad health decisions…well…lets just say the pay me later will be the biggest price.  There is no crystal ball on what will happen, however we increase the odds of a more healthy and vital life by doing the healthy choices.


John One-Hip-Guy


Healthy Active Lifestyle

Healthy Active Lifestyle

Lets face it we get some pretty odd comments when people find out that you have a hip replacement.  Some of my favorites are…

…You aren’t very old so why did you get a hip replacement?

…Are you sure you made the right decision?

…Were you overweight before?

These seem to be some of the most common comments I hear from people when they find out I have a hip replacement.   I am not sure what is going through the minds of the people making these comments. Perhaps they aren’t thinking at all. Statistically it is no longer uncommon to have joint replacement.  In the US it is estimated there are almost 3 million people who have hip replacements and over 7 million who have some kind of joint replacements.  In Canada the statistics are roughly 10% of the US numbers.

The reality is most people have something going on with their health.

Degenerative disease affects 1 out of every 3 people in the US and Canada.  The most prevalent are heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and brain related illnesses.  In most cases degenerative disease is caused by our own lifestyle choices as I stated in a prior blog.  So what can we do to slow down or even eliminate degenerative disease in our life and those that we love?

Become healthy active.

We all live in one of 4 areas when it comes to health.  The first is the healthy unaware.  This is the McDonald’s fast foodie. Not much thought or education has gone into making their daily health choices from the food they eat to to how much they exercise.  The second is the healthy aware.  This person is starting to realize the need to look after themselves better and are beginning to pay attention. They start to eat a little better and start to exercise. They even start to take supplements from the grocery store to fill in the missing pieces, however they still eat highly processed foods.  The third is becoming healthy active.  This person has made it a point to know what foods to eat and what to avoid. They make decisions on their food intake based on knowing what is in it.  This person also views taking a high potency supplement as crucial in helping to fill in the missing pieces safely and effectively.  The fourth and last is the health nut.  This person has gone to the extreme in their health protocol. This requires a lot of discipline to follow and maintain on a daily basis but provides them them the state of health they are looking for. They may be a high level athlete.

Being healthy active is a blend of knowing what is good for you and your family and at the same time have some balance.  It is not what you do in your lifestyle habits 10% of the time…its what you do 90% of the time.  It takes effort to become healthy active, yet it so worth it.  Do you know how much sugar is recommended in a daily diet?  How much are you consuming? What about your fat intake?  What kind of fats are good for you?  Bad for you?  How much exercise should you get?  What type?  Each of us are unique so our diet and exercise may be unique as well.  There is no one size fits all when it comes to our health.  Take the necessary steps to know more and implement it into your daily lifestyle plan.  By doing this you will reduce the possibility of being impacted by degenerative disease.

Your One Hip Guy – John


22,000 days?  How about 37,000 days instead!

22,000 days? How about 37,000 days instead!


Is it possible to live 100 being vibrant and healthy?  Do you even want to?  Why?  Why not?

Many of you have heard the song by the Moody Blues called 22,000 days.  As I type I am listening to it.  I decided to see how many years that was and surprised that it is just over 60 years.

I think this song should be rewritten to be 37,000 days!  It doesn’t flow well in the song but it flows better for me.  When you calculate the days it comes to over a 100 years.

Living a healthy life to a 100 seems like a good health goal.  The current technology and opportunity to look after ourselves is better today than any other time in the history of man.  In fact the statistics show today there are more and more centurions than ever before.

In an article from The Centenarian the number in the US could reach 1 million by 2050! 

That’s the good news…but there is bad news with this as well.

Having a plan to stay healthy through diet and exercise plays a crucial role in our longevity.  Do you have a plan or is it by chance?  There are always factors that will impact our plan regardless such a degenerative disease, accident and so on.    Many degenerative diseases are a direct result of the lifestyle choices we make.

Another point to consider is our financial health as we age.  If we are going to live longer do we have the finances to do it without being a burden to the system?  Statistically in a report from The Canadian Association of Retired People (carp)  it is estimated that over 600,000 people over the age of 65 live below the poverty line.  That number jumps more dramatically in the US.  Again having a plan is paramount to impacting the quality of life down the road.

Whatever your thoughts are on longevity it still seems prudent to do whatever necessary to maintain optimal health today.

I am 58 years old/young.  I am looking forward to contributing to society as I age and experience the exciting breakthroughs that the world will see.  There is no better time to be on this planet so I have a plan to maintain my health and longevity.

My plan consists of a checklist… what I put in my grocery basket, drinking adequate amount of water,  how often I exercise, ( see my videos) making a point to take top quality supplements, who I surround myself with, how do I make a difference in the lives of others, what am I doing to make myself better and to have gratitude for everything…including  having a hip replacement!

I plan on learning a new language, to travel the globe with my wife Susanne and experience the different cultures, holding my grandchildren, coach and help people with their health choices, be, do and have the most vibrant life I can get out of this time on the earth.  What about you?  What is it you want to be?  What is it you want to do?  What is it that you want to have?  Age is not a barrier…actually it is an advantage…lets go!


John – one hip guy!




For those that have gone through hip replacement I am sure that there are times that you do some reflecting on how you got there.   That is what I was doing the other day.  Even though it has been 5 years since my surgery I sometimes drift back to wondering.  Why me?  I am a healthy guy…live healthy, promote health…it’s even my business.

Reflecting back on it all I can see it is all about choices.

In my case I chose to drive an ATV and bomb around the sand hills.  I drove up too slowly which caused the ATV to flip over on me!  Bad news!  Yet the good news is I lived!  I was the maker of my own demise.  Hate to admit it but it is true.   Some of you may not have a story that is so obvious.  Perhaps it is a genetic condition that caused the hip to degenerate, however for most people if they are honest with themselves can say their choices contributed to the need to have hip replacement surgery.

Being overweight is one of main contributors to hip degeneration.  In most cases this is all about our choices.  In the link highlighted here you can see that what we put in our bodies has a direct impact on the health of our joints.  The lifestyle we choose when it comes to what eat will have a direct impact on our joints lifelong.  So if you are lucky to still have all your body parts then work hard to be at your ideal weight. Your joints will thank you for it.

Sports are another major contributor to hip degeneration.   I love sports!  I have participated in pretty much anything from baseball, football, soccer and on and on.  Like it or not they are hard on the joints.  Extreme sports, competitive sports, contact sports, and even recreational sports all contribute to hip degeneration.  See the reference here.  Again it is our choices.  The equipment used in sports makes us perform at higher levels yet our hip can only take so much before it begins to become affected.

The choices we made in the past have made for the life we have today.  Accepting that will allow us to get on with the next part of our lives…because it is fantastic!

So what choices will we make today?

For me I am still very active.  I work out at the gym 4-5 times a week.  It includes weight training and cardio.  Check out my video library at www.onehipguy.com to see some of the exercises I do to maintain my health as well as keeping my new hip strong.  I golf during the summer and curl in the winter.  I go hiking and biking with my wife.

I don’t do any high impact sports.  No long distance running as well.  This is a choice.  I know some people with hip replacements who continue to run and be involved with high impact sports.  I have weighed the pros and cons for me personally of doing sports that could have a negative impact on the replaced hip and have chosen to stay away from them.  This doesn’t make me right or wrong compared to anyone else.  It is just right for me and my lifestyle.

I watch my diet so that I maintain a healthy weight.  I supplement to fill in the missing pieces like a joint product to protect the rest of the joints in my body.

Being healthy even after hip replacement is very important to me.  There is so much to do, be and have and I intend to pursue it all!

I think you would agree that life is fantastic on the “other side” of hip pain.


A case for PRP and stem cells

A case for PRP and stem cells

Having a joint replacement is becoming a common occurrence throughout the world.  You all know that I had a total right hip replacement in 2012.  I have been very proactive in staying at my ideal weight and exercising.  I am thrilled with my results and it has given me an appreciation for life in a whole different way since then.

For many people having the joint replaced has been a God send in that virtually all the pain associated has gone away.  In some instances there are complications.  This the nature of the beast so to speak.  I am well aware that there could be a day that I may need a revision.  This is the reason for my diligence. (more…)